About Us

Celebrating Palestinian Culture and Supporting Families in Need

About Us

Palestine47 is more than just an online store; it's a bridge connecting passionate individuals around the world to the rich tapestry of Palestinian culture. We offer a curated selection of scarves, flags, badges, and cultural accessories, each one a vibrant symbol of Palestinian heritage and identity.

Our Story

The name Palestine47 reflects a pivotal year in Palestinian history. It marks the year of the UN Partition Plan, which proposed the division of British Mandatory Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish. Though ultimately not implemented as intended, the year 1947 remains a significant symbol of Palestinian aspirations for self-determination.

Our Mission

At Palestine47, we are driven by a multi-faceted mission:

  • Promote awareness and appreciation for Palestinian culture: By showcasing beautiful and meaningful cultural objects, we aim to bridge cultural divides and foster understanding.
  • Support Palestinian artisans: We work directly with talented Palestinian artisans, ensuring they receive fair compensation for their work and helping to preserve traditional craftsmanship.
  • Empower individuals to connect with their heritage: Whether you are of Palestinian descent, interested in learning more about the culture, or simply appreciate beautiful and meaningful objects, we offer a way to connect with Palestinian traditions.
  • Support a family in Gaza: We are deeply committed to supporting families affected by the recent war on Gaza, particularly the founder of Palestine47 Waseem Abuaglain's family who have lost their homes and loved ones. A portion of the profits from each sale will be directly donated to assist them in rebuilding their lives.

Beyond Products: A Commitment to Social Impact

We believe in using our platform to advocate for positive change. On a dedicated page on our website, you will find an option to contribute directly to Waseem's family's relief fund. Every contribution, big or small, can make a real difference in their lives.

Join us on this journey!

Explore our diverse collection, learn more about the stories behind our products, and discover how you can contribute to a more peaceful and just world by supporting Palestinian culture, artisans, and families in need.

Welcome to Palestine47!

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If you are interested in offering assistance, Waseem has shared his story directly below.

I'm Waseem Abuaglain, and I'm reaching out to you with a heavy heart. My family's world in Gaza has been turned upside down by recent events, and I urgently need your help.

Our family home in the Shaikh Radwan area of northern Gaza, built by my father over a lifetime, now lies in ruins. Similarly, my sister's house in Tel Al-Hawa, a repository of dreams and memories, has been wiped off the face of the earth. The life savings invested in these places have been shattered, leaving our family in the depths of despair.

Imagine my parents, 71 and 79, forced to flee with three brothers and their families, including 13 kids. Tragically, my nephew Ramzy lost his life while seeking refuge in Khan Younis with my other two sisters' families (that’s him taking a selfie photo). So, in an excessively crowded house, with over 70 family members cramped together, including 30 children, the distress and fear from the worst scenario is a nightmare that does not end. Later they had to look for a refuge on the outskirts of Khan Younis, and the desperation deepened.

In this chaos, my cousin Rafea, his wife and 3 children met an untimely end within the walls of their home in the Al Zaytoun area in Gaza City. Another heartbreaking loss unfolded in the Shejaiya area, where my cousin Samira and her extended family, a total of 28 souls, were tragically taken from us.

The relentless displacements have led most of my family to Rafah, now on the quest for affordable tents, a stark reminder of the fragility of life. The idea of tents is unsettling, as it is a necessity born out of fear – the fear that being buried under the rubble of a destroyed house is a more likely fate than being found if the worst were to happen.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it – it's bad. But your support can make a difference. We seek support for critical needs, such as covering accommodation expenses, procuring tents, and acquiring mattresses, blankets, furniture, and clothing essentials. Additionally, funds will be directed to access clean water, sustain food supplies, and establish cooking facilities to safeguard the well-being of the children who deserve the opportunity for a brighter future. The goal is to survive this catastrophe, rebuild our homes, and try to return to normal life. Unfortunately, my financial resources are limited, and I am unable to independently assist so many members of my family during this challenging period.

The situation is unbearable, and time is ticking. Your help, big or small, can be a lifeline for us. Let's turn despair into hope and rebuild not just houses but lives.

Thanks for reading and considering. Your generosity means the world.


Waseem Abuaglain

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